ISIS executes 19 girls for refusing to have sex with them as UN envoy reveals how sex slaves are 'peddled like barrels of petrol'
The women were being held in the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, Iraq, and were murdered because they refused to take part in the perversely-named practice of 'sexual jihad', according to a Kurdish official stationed in the same city (pictured main is alleged image of girls for sale under ISIS). The Kurdish Democratic Party spokesman also claimed issues around money and the distribution of women has created a rift inside Islamic State. Last year, the terror group released a twisted 'price list' (bottom right) which suggested it was selling the Yazidi and Christian women and children it had abducted. The pamphlet was verified by the UN's special envoy on sexual violence in conflict, Zainab Bangura (top right), who said: 'The girls get peddled like barrels of petrol... One girl can be sold and bought by five or six different men.'